Thursday, September 2, 2010

Ah, frustration part I of probably lots

So, I made it to Stuttgart safe and sound with all the usual weirdness that accompanies travel (I now have a standing invitation to visit an elderly lady from Casablanca, with whom I had a long conversation in French, which neither of us actually spoke all that well).

My unaccompanied luggage seems to be lost in transit, or else they just decided not to call me to let me know when it's in, which I think is more likely. The bigger issue is banking: apparently, two years is too short a timeframe for Volksbank to bother taking me as a client, BW does not have any branches outside this state, Sparkasse has no branches in this state, and Postbank does not consider the language school dorm to be a valid address. I am just having too much fun. Sorry there are no pictures; banks do not photograph well.

Tomorrow - cell phone providers!

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